Friday, 24 August 2012

NZ's hottest researchers from 2010-2012.

In response to the recently released "The Hottest Research of 2011" report from ScienceWatch (where several of my former colleagues at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute feature) I thought I'd take a look at NZ's hottest research and researchers.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Re-blogging: Rfam 11.0 is out!

The really BIG news for this release is the Xfam-Biomart. Which finally allows researchers to easily fetch all the sequences in Rfam from their favourite organism. For example, lets pretend I was really interested in Helicobacter pylori 35A. I go to the NCBI Taxonomy, look the species up there and record the taxid (585535). Back at the Biomart I enter the taxid beside "NCBI Taxonomy ID:", hit "Next", then select a number of handy looking features, hit "Results" and suddenly I have ALL the sequences from Helicobacter pylori 35A. This is an extraordinarily useful feature that has, until now, been missing from the Xfam arsenal. I'll be making heavy use of it in future.

See the Xfam blog for more details.